Monday, October 21, 2013

The density of "Catch shoes net" can even stop things like eggs

Taiwan Network October 21 hearing, according to the United Daily News reported that the recent popular mass movement lost jordans for cheap , shoe Ma brutally attack almost every day , the police set up to counter moves "catch shoes network " interceptors , afraid of horses were lost passion people shoes injured ; Taiwan "National Police " emphasizes not require cities and counties police Tiangou fence, from all over the police , as the service needs to prepare their own . But police worry throw cheap jordans appear to imitate effect, " catching shoes net" probably will be equipped with the necessary Vian .

Police statistics, Taiwan police octahedron with one hundred thirty large network , only the eastern and Islands and other counties not yet introduced ; whenever Vian demand , local police arrested shoes network automatically prepared response .

The traditional fishing cheap air jordans net height of about two meters , and up to eight meters large network , the traditional material is nylon, the new generation of material is PE ( high density polyethylene ) , and light but also acid pH ; these fishing shoes network density like nets like , are all high-density mesh , even being beaten egg attacks, egg will be stopped , along the net shed , will not attack the horse.

"National Police " said, " catching cheap jordan shoes network " is the safety net, ten years ago, there was originally used to protect people from smashing eggs or mineral water bottles, not the police, the security standard equipment , there is no uniform standard ; each county police service bureau , as needed , not orders must purchase safety net.

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